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Authors Institution
Patricia M Cury
Fernanda Sanfelice
Toufic Anbar Neto
FACERES - Faculdade de medicina
Curriculum Planning / Community Oriented Medical Education
Community-oriented medical curriculum with nurse- teachers supervisors
Summary of Work

Our medical school has a problem-based curriculum. Students spend four hours a week in the primary care base, since the first week of the course, lasting the first four years, in a group of 8 students. They are   coordinated by a nurse supervisor, in the first two years , and with medical doctors in the next 2 years.


Medical Schools  in Brazil are traditionaly centered in hospital- based schools and  very especialized doctors. However, from the last 20 years, our National Health Sistem  focused attention in primary care and in a family based health program. In order to promote general practitioner or family medicine specialty more attractive  for medical students in Brazil, medical schools and the Brazilian Govern are stimulating  medical students early exposure  in  the community based learning

Take-home Messages

Early exposure of the students to primary care stimulates a better understanding of its importance.


Thanks to all the nurses - teachers in this Project (Andiara, Marcia, Maria Amelia, Marilia,Paula) , all the primary care professionals that help student´s formation  and thanks to Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de São José do RIo Preto.

Summary of Results

Students learn the theory about the functioning of the Brazilian heath system and perform systematic interventions in health promotion and primary care. They act in many different activities for the well being of population at large, such as attention in health in primary schools, diabetes and infection diseases prevention, hygiene care and others.


The early insertion of the medical student in primary care  stimulates them to participate and understand the health policy and the importance of the family medicine in daily life. Nurse supervisor is a strategy to improve these activities as they are a key point in primary care policy.


Manual do Programa de Integração Comunitária - FACERES.http://site.faceres.com.br

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Summary of Work
Take-home Messages
Summary of Results
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