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Rating: 3.7/5 (14 votes cast)

Authors Institution
Matti S*; Holtta-Vuori
Maarit; Pyorala
Eeva; Hervonen
University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Helsinki, Finland
4BB Teaching tools
Virtual microscopy with iPads in small groups enhances collaborative learning.

Virtual microscopy is replacing ordinary microcopy in histology teaching. Since 2013 our students have received iPads from the Medical Faculty at University of Helsinki. We studied whether virtual microscopy could be further developed by using iPads and small group learning.

Summary of Work

Virtual iPad microscopy was implemented in groups of 30 students, which were further divided into six small groups of five students. Students examined the specimens with iPads and followed a guide in the WebMicroscopy web-pages. Each small group explained one of the samples while the other groups made questions. One of three microscopy sessions was performed with real microscopes and specimens (including an own blood smear). Two kinds of research data were collected on these learning activities: teachers’ systematical observation data and a questionnaire of students’ experiences (N=170, returned by 99% of students).

Summary of Results

Teachers observed that in iPad-microscopy students were immediately engaged in intensive group work studying the specimens together, sharing and discussing their observations vividly. In traditional microscopy, students worked individually and discussions were occasional and wary.

Analysis of the questionnaire revealed that 76% of the students expressed that group work helped them to understand the learning goals better and 65% indicated that iPad-microscopy stimulated more reasoning than an ordinary microscopy.

Students deemed microscopy teaching in general as worthwhile and reported no difference in the technical use of the devices, nor in the quality of perception of histology.


Virtual iPad-microscopy in small groups stimulated more vivid discussion and collaboration between the students than ordinary microscopy.

iPad-microscopy is not bound to any special type of learning space, such as a laboratory or an ICT class.

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iPad turns virtual microscopy mobile.


HH is a member of the Teachers' Academy, University of Helsinki.


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Summary of Work

Summary of Results



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