Exploring attitudes and barriers towards inter-professional education in healthcare: An educational evaluation of an inter-professional course on human factors


  • Rachel Shute (rachel.shute@nhs.net): Fellow in Medical Education
  • Jenni Hibbert: Deputy Medical Education Lead
  • Francina Cunnington: Medical Education Lead


5JJ Interprofessional education 2


Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children
Postgraduate Medical Education Dept.
London, WC1N 3JH


Inter-professional education (IPE) is high on the UK healthcare education agenda. Despite this, recruiting participants and supporting their attendance at expensive and faculty-intense inter-professional courses (IPC) remains a challenge. Attitudinal factors are believed to significantly impact upon the success of IPE. To gain insight into these factors an educational evaluation was conducted at Great Ormond Street Hospital to explore participants’ attitudes towards IPE before and after attending our IPC on human factors called "Defining Moments...when things go wrong".


Click on 'more detail' for details of the Human Factors course

Summary of Work

Thirteen course attendees, all senior healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses and a manager), completed a bespoke pre and post-course quantitative and qualitative questionnaire which was analysed using Qualtrics software.


Click on 'more detail' to see pre and post course questionnaires given to participants

Summary of Results

Key Findings              

  • Self-selected group: Positive baseline attitudes towards IPE and IP courses across all three professional groups.
  • Consistent improvement in attitudes, immediately post course.
  • Statistically significant improvement in attitude towards IPCs being an “efficient use of resources” and “IPE should be an educational goal of this hospital”.
  • Development of more personalized attitudes towards IPE post course.
    • Advantages noted in first rather than third person
    • Advantages related to their own workplace
  • Identified risks to learning included
    • Nurses: Fears about appearing less knowledgable, being passive members of the group, having their practise challenged
    • Doctors: Fears about relevence of course content to them
  • Concerns about relevance of the course to their professional group persisted for a minority

Click on 'more detail' for results tables and graphs


These findings help us continue to improve the impact of the “Defining Moments” course on inter-professional collaboration and patient care at our hospital.

Identifying barriers to attendance challenged us to

1. Include clearer descriptions of the course content made relevant to all professionals on our advertising

2. Make available pre-course materials to facilitate a shared knowledge base for all participants

3. Improve facilitator awareness of potential inter-professional dynamics during the course.

Take-home Messages


The full reference list and bibliography used for this evaluation can be found below.



Ethical approval for this study was granted by the Institute for Health Research (IHREC Reference 192) through the University of Bedfordshire and by the Ethics committee at Great Ormond Street Hospital.


We would like to thank Ben Betts at HT2 (www.ht2.co.uk) for their expertise in developing the Human Factors serious game.


Lastly we would like to thank all the participants for their honesty and commitment to this study.



"Defining Moments...When things go wrong"

This two-day course offers participants a chance to learn about Human factors and the part they play in our daily lives and work environment. The course involves a combination of a serious game, interactive videos, talks and discussions. Course participants from medical, nursing, allied health professional and managerial backgrounds are all invited to attend. The course faculty includes members from each professional group.

Day 1 begins with an introduction to Human Factors, followed by a serious game, specifically designed to highlight the impact of human factors during a disaster situation.


Photograph of participants playing the serious game.



Phonecall stylized-QuickTime H.264 from HT2 on Vimeo.



Screen shot from the serious game.

Day 2 focuses on human error and offers participants an opportunity to create tools to enable them to share their new Human Factors knowledge to their local teams.



Summary of Work

Summary of Results


Take-home Messages

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